Bela's Public Page Collection

.ılıll My first Notes are Published llı­l­ı.

Hooray! ("\(^_^)/")

Synchronous Instant Publishing ~ Asynchronous Content Writing

This is a big step for me since I'm now able to ⮵ publish, ⮳ share & ⮴ update my 🗈 notes & 🗬 thoughts right from inside where I create them: 💜 Obsidian 💜.

I'm preparing For Years now to launch Several Internet Services myself.
Under One Domain, as a Network of Distributed Tools ~ which empower Me and Others and contibute to people's freedom, knowledge & consciousness.

But that's a whole lot easier said than done.
Especially when you want to »do it right« ~ more precisely, when you want to create a product which represents your very own inner values & beliefs.

To me, the following values are of utmost importance:

The rules emerging from these values would be too many to name them here. I will write them down at a later point in time.


Since I really care ~ finding the tools I want to work with isn't always easy. Especially ~ finding a good solution for the countless things I do when working with text ~ was a huge investment in terms of time, testing, reading documentation, trial & error, assessment & re-evaluation…

That's the exact reason why I want to share the knowledge & skills I achieved ~ to make all these investments even more worthwile. Sounds exciting? It is! So please stay tuned 😉✌

For now: if you have a specific question or want to collaborate ~ feel free to get in touch 🌟🌷🐾🍁🍃🎉😇✨👨‍🎨🎨🖌 💞🖐🐾🪅🪄🔖


You probably guessed by now since I already mentioned: I settled for Obsidian as my main solution to work with.
For it being a PWA (Progressive Web Application) on top of the Electron engine, it offers good performance and has a decent resource footprint.

The great thing about Obsidian is that it has a very well built interface and carefully selected default functionality ~ which are extendible in many ways by the use of plugins ~ which in turn reside in the Obsidian Vault they were installed in (a vault is simply a folder with all your content in files & subfolders ~ as well as obsidians config, plugins and data related to your vault).
Obsidian Vaults are like (Docker) Containers. One folder that contains everything from the content & configuration to external resources and components.

The Plugin that enabled me to have an instant way of publishing my work is called Share Note.

Since you can find most info on it's own page & GitHub Repo, I'll just quickly give some useful info that isn't obvious at first:

Imagine Your OS being the best secretary you could've ever wished for. → →


lalilu aligns to all these values

Drafts, Documents & Guides

within seconds by the click of a button ~ all thanks to the Obsidian - Plugin »Share Note« 🔥
, which allows to upload a note by the users command. 🤖

Updating & Deleting is just as easy: Click da ▶️ Button and you're good to go. 👍
The note can then be shared through the generated link. 💎

(You'll find an ordered List of all my notes on the Main Page.)
(Just look for 🐾 Home in the header.)

For Those interested in the Plugin, here's the info:
🪧 Plugin Homepage

Don't know what Obsidian is?
Here you go 😉 🐾

Thanks for reading 🕮
I wish you a good time and a wonderful life 🌷

Until next time.
Bela. 🐯

This Post was last edited on 2024-08-09 at 14:44

#documentation #learning #projects #updates