Bela's Public Page Collection

The Paradoxon of Structure & Chaos [WIP]

⌘ Status: WIP (work in progress)


I Work Chaotic ~ yet Structured.
~ with sometimes largely inconsistent or rapidly changing structure!

How's that possible?
Why on earth am I doing this?!

Because it's the most efficient ~ and sometimes the only possible ~ method for my brain to maintain (project) structure.

My Thinking Structure

You can basically take a scale where there's very consistent thoughts with less creativity
~ and ever chaning thoughts and structures with high creativity.

I'm more to the latter end of the spectrum.

Adding the fact that my thinking is pretty fast, organizing thoughts and ideas becomes a major challenge when you have multiple ideas within one moment which all bear children in the next. And after a few moments some of those lines get cut and new ones appear. And suddenly you jump back to a previous line adding new information ~ and suddenly linking it with another line resulting in a entirely new line that fires even faster…

What I just described is an insanely fast chain reaction which kicks off on certain triggers ~ and once entered is creating, changing, discarding, merging and shifting information around in light speeds.
While it creates awesome results, it is rather difficult to control, focus on, maintain, or direct ~ because trying that would mean using a snake to direct a gepard ~ namely your conscious mind to direct your subconscious mind ~ which does not really work that well.

So what do we do?
We create & refine routines to direct thoughts in the same layer they originate from: our subconscious mind.

You can think of my mind as a fluidly evolving network which

I control the direction of my self-development in various ways:

I really like both structure and consistency ~ in areas where they are important & helpful.

At the same time, I'm a human being which is constantly evolving and has a very delicate character.

That's also the reason I'm creating Conscious OS:
~ to have a system with existing structure and intelligence where I can literally shoot all my thoughts and ideas into ~ to get them organized and put them together to create something beautiful.

Please Note: At this point in time, Conscious OS is an idea and all existing things I created for myself ~ but not yet a ready made system you can install and use.
But: The most important part of Conscious OS¹ is all the customizations, helpers, configuration and similar things which make everything snap together to create a unified & immersivie experience where everything just works ~ the way you'd intuitively try to use it in the first place. A Place where you can just do ~ without thinking about how to do things.

¹ the name is not decided yet


If you provide service ~ it gotta be good.
And chaotic aint good.

That's why you need to have at least a certain amount of knowledge, experience and structure in order to provide reliable service.
The minimum in every field can be defined in many different ways

Please Note:

Some things were said in an strictly speaking illogical or inconsistent way
~ to build thinking bridges and ease understanding.

Sometimes, it's way easier to comprehend something abstract when you have little "keynotes" of specific categories of the abstract pointing you to the thoughts field where you can find all the related information to the abstract.

This Post was last edited on 2024-08-10 at 01:41

#communication #documentation #ideas #learning #projects #service #thoughts